Although cooking is something many of us do daily, not every one of us is necessarily good at it. After all, to be a good cook requires a considerable amount of patience, dedication, and skill. That’s why many people turn to assisted living in their old age because they no longer want to have to deal with cooking and look forward to someone preparing their meals for them! How great does that sound for many of us?
After all, there are all sorts of mistakes you can make when preparing dishes, and these aren’t just limited to novices, either. All sorts of things can go wrong when cooking and lead to a lousy meal. so it helps to know what these mistakes are before they happen to you.
Yet, many of us don’t realize we’re making these mistakes until it’s too late. Here are some cooking with steaks you’re probably making, and how to correct them.
Failing to Prep
One of the most common mistakes out there is failing to prepare your ingredients before you start the recipe. That means before you even turn on the stove, all of your ingredients should be washed, peeled, chopped, and measured in order to properly follow the recipe. Neglecting your prep can result in poor execution and wasted time. So always take the time to read through the recipe from start to finish and prepare everything you need beforehand rather than improvising as you go.
Overloading Your Pan
Unfortunately, overloading your pan is one of the biggest no-nos. Regardless of what you’re cooking, overfilling your pan can lead to uneven cooking, and prevent each ingredient from soaking up the flavor. Cook in batches if you need to rather than loading everything in your pan all at once.
This will allow proper airflow throughout the entire pan, and ensure that everything is evenly cooked. This is especially important when it comes to meats. Something like pork or chicken can be incredibly dangerous if undercooked, and one of the best ways to avoid this is by avoiding overcrowding the pan.
Overcooking Your Meat
On the flip side, meat is one of those things that can be disastrous when overcooked. It can get chewy, mushy, or even rubbery. Always know exactly how long you should cook each protein. Use a timer, or even a thermometer that can help you monitor how long and how well you’ve cooked something. Above all, once your meat is cooked, make sure that you let it sit for a few moments so that it redistributes its juices evenly.
Not Thawing Properly
Many people saw their grandparents thawing their meat by simply leaving it out overnight next to the sink. However, you’re asking for trouble when you thaw your meat like this. Meat should be kept in the fridge to thaw overnight to avoid growing unsafe bacteria. Otherwise, consider buying meat fresh if you don’t want to take the time to properly thaw it.
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